ES Set To Deliver Answers With “Trucking In The COVID-19 Era” Free Webinar
Would you like some expert perspective on what’s happening in the trucking market today, and would you like to get information free of charge that you can use to improve your bottom line? Expediter Services and the ES Community have the perfect opportunity coming your way on July 21. ES will be hosting a FREE live webinar entitled, Trucking In The COVID-19 Era: Starting & Building Your Own Trucking Business. This webinar is part of the IN-SITE 2020 Online Series, which is being presented by ES.
The ripple effects from impact of the COVID-19 national emergency continue to be felt across all industry verticals within the U.S. and around the world. While COVID era has further amplified trucking’s standing as an essential service, the industry has not been immune to experiencing some significant changes in the wake of a global pandemic. Through this webinar, attendees will hear from a panel of experts who will be discussing a range of topics focused on addressing the challenges and opportunities in the COVID era.
Our Expert Panel for the Webinar
Expert Panel

Trucking In The COVID-19 Era: Starting & Building Your Own Trucking Business, like all the webinars in this series, will be focused on the needs of contract drivers, owner-operators and fleet owners. The IN-SITE 2020 Series from ES will also seek to reach out to professional drivers who are looking to become truck owners. IN-SITE 2020 will be offered at no cost to participants.
In addition to the free webinar series, IN-SITE has also launched a podcast series featuring the panelists and other experts providing in-depth discussions on the key issues of the day facing owner-operators, independent contract drivers and fleet owners. Click here to listen to our Podcast Series.
Stoops Freightliner is serving as the title sponsor for the IN-SITE 2020 Online Series.
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