2023 Marketing Campaign Highlights

IN-SITE Webinar Series  |  Women-Owned Business Initiative  |  Expedite Expo & IN-SITE DINNER  | Success In Trucking Podcasts 
Corporate Chaplain Podcast Spotlight News & Press ES Advantage Blog | Social Media | Channel Partners | SITE 2024

Click here for 2022 Marketing Highlights

IN-SITE Webinar Series

IN-SITE 2023 Webinar 1 – New Year, New Business

In January, ES presented the first edition of our IN-SITE 2023 Webinar Series with a free event entitled “New Year, New Business.” Our panel featured ES Co-Founder & CEO Jason Williams and David Kessler, Vice President of Expedite Fleet & Operations at ArcBest®.

During the webinar, you will hear our panelists share the commitment both ES and Panther have made from the executive level throughout their organizations to support professional drivers for success as well as

  • The outlook for freight in 2023
  • Non-traditional lease-purchase opportunities available through Panther and ES
  • How the Panther Lease-Purchase Program Powered by ES stands apart from traditional lease-purchase programs
  • Truck availability and financing for solos and teams
  • Service and support available to ES Community members

IN-SITE 2023 Webinar 2 – Nothing But Love

On February 14th, ES once again joined forces with Panther Premium Logistics (a service of ArcBest) to bring together an all-star panel during our Valentine’s Day IN-SITE 2023 Webinar event entitled “Nothing But Love.”

Learn about:

  • The non-traditional Panther Lease Purchase Program Powered by ES
  • The transparency & focus on success of the driver by both ES and Panther teams that sets this program apart
  • How Panther’s diverse customer-base allows for consistent freight despite an inconsistent market
  • The low-barrier process to join the Panther Lease Purchase Program Powered by ES

Women-Owned Business Initiative

During the 1st quarter of 2023, as a token of ES’ appreciation for participation in the Women-Owned Business Initiative and in our continued effort for ES to be the place where the rubber meets the road, existing and new members that are women have been enrolled in a one-year membership with the Women In Trucking Association (WIT), sponsored by ES and WIT through a discounted subsidy, at no cost to the owner.As business owners, they’ll lead the way as part of the largest community of owner-operators in the Women In Trucking Association. We believe everyone in the ES Community, especially women, should have access to support from all avenues possible so they Never Stand Alone on their journey to Success In Trucking. With this WIT membership, they’ll receive access to

  • An exclusive member-only networking platform called ENGAGE
  • Weekly email newsletter with industry news & highlights of accomplishments of women in the industry
  • WIT’s Redefining the Road Magazine
  • Webinar, reception, and networking event invitations
  • Mentoring opportunities
  • And much more!

During the 2nd quarter of 2023, ES had the opportunity to feature one of the many success stories from the Women-Owned Business Initiative and chose the story of DeShawn Henry to showcase in the WIT Redefining the Road Magazine that was released August 1st, 2023. Click here to view DeShawn’s story on page 19 and an ad for the Women-Owned Business Initiative also featuring DeShawn on page 21.

On November 7th, 2023, Jason Williams took to the main stage at the Women In Trucking Accelerate Conference in Dallas to celebrate how ES has helped create an additional 60 women-owned businesses since meeting the goal of creating 150 Women-Owned Businesses in 2022, for a new total of 210 Women-Owned Businesses.

We invite you to visit our dedicated web page that details the history and the opportunities available through the Women-Owned Business Initiative from ES.

ES at the Expedite Expo

ES was the presenting sponsor for the 2023 Expedite Expo & IN-SITE Dinner at the Expo that took place July 21-22, 2023 at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne, IN. ES was featured in several locations and events including:

  • ES Booth #418 & ES Truck Sales Booth #606
  • Navigating The Road to Success in Trucking Panel Hosted by Leah Shaver, CEO & President of the National Transportation Institute (NTI), Featuring Jason Williams, Jeff Tacker, and Recruiting Directors from Panther Premium Logistics (a service of ArcBest) and Ascent Global Logistics
  • IN-SITE Dinner at the Expo Hosted by ES on Friday, July 21st with 170 Attendees
  • The Importance of Proper Partnership Workshop Featuring DeShawn Henry and Russell Jones

You can see the recap of all the Expedite Expo highlights here.

Success In Trucking Podcasts

In Q2 of 2023, ES took its podcast to the next level, hosting the Success In Trucking podcast on national podcast platforms in addition to making all episodes available through the ES Website.

The goal of the Success In Trucking Podcast is to offer helpful insights and valuable perspectives for owner-operators, independent contract drivers, fleet owners and aspiring trucking entrepreneurs. Along with the latest news and happenings from ES, our podcast will also feature interviews with industry experts as well as perspectives from members of the ES community.

In addition to the 11 podcasts from Q1 & Q2, ES produced an additional 4 podcasts that can be found on the Success In Trucking Podcast page.

Corporate Chaplain Podcast Series

In 2023, ES continued the You Don’t Have To Stand Alone Podcast, which is hosted by Michael Kanai. This year to date, we have released nine episodes of the podcast. Michael serves as the Corporate Chaplain for the ES Community.  Through the series, Michael addresses topics that are designed to help and support the members of the ES Community. ES has set up a dedicated page on the company’s website for the You Don’t Have To Stand Alone Podcast.

ES has set up a dedicated page on the company’s website for the You Don’t Have To Stand Alone Podcast.

ES Advantage Blog

In Q2 of 2023, the ES Advantage Blog was created to drive traffic and interest in ES and ES Advantage services and benefits while providing useful discussion on topics important to contract drivers, owner-operators, fleet owners, and trucking entrepreneurs.

These blogs are currently being sent to members of the ES Advantage Discount Program as well as prospects that have shown interest in ES Advantage.

View the ES Advantage Blog HERE.

New ES Advantage Landing Page & Social Media

In the 2nd quarter of 2023, several partner-specific ES Advantage landing pages were updated to match the newest version of the ES Advantage landing page for ease of use, information, and brand recognition.

New Channel Partners

In the 2nd quarter of 2023, the ES team began working with 3 new channel partners for additional opportunities to broaden the reach of the services and benefits provided under the ES umbrella.

The marketing team provided co-branded handouts, landing pages, marketing email and text drip campaigns, and more along with tracking numbers and affiliate codes to track the success of each.

Bulldog National Group Association

As part of the truck insurance purchased through the Bulldog Risk Retention Group, members gain access to the ES Advantage Discount Program. We have provided a one-page handout that the Bulldog team will deliver to their agents to go in packets provided at the time of the user purchasing an insurance policy as well as a co-branded landing page.

We have also created a co-branded drip marketing email campaign that explains the partnership between Bulldog National and ES Advantage that sells the added benefits of enrolling in the ES Advantage program. A dialing campaign will also be put in place.

There are two ES Advantage reps, EJ and Ladarrin, assigned to field inquiries from this specific channel partner.

CDL Manager

CDL Manager provides software and services to fleet owners to help them stay compliant in an ever-evolving sea of DOT regulations. The ES Advantage Discount Program will help clear the way to make sales for their services and will help fleet owners enrolled in the ES Advantage Discount Program by protecting their business if they choose to enroll.

Phase 1 will focus on CDL Manager selling ES Advantage as an added benefit to their program to current customers, then to helping close the sale with potential customers, and phase 2 will focus on the ES Advantage team selling the CDL Manager product as part of its suite of benefits and services.

Bobbi Leach & Jeff Reese traveled to the CDL Manager offices to understand the sales process for their product and how the ES team could fill the gaps in promotion and sales.

We are working to provide a one-page handout that the CDL Manager team will share with their agents so they have a high level understanding of the benefits available as well as a co-branded landing page.

We will also create a co-branded drip marketing email campaign that explains the partnership between CDL Manager and ES Advantage that sells the added benefits of enrolling in the ES Advantage program in addition to adding it to our existing cadence for candidates that have expressed interest in the ES Advantage Discount Program. A dialing campaign will also be put in place.

There are two ES Advantage reps, Andrea and Chris, assigned to field inquiries from this specific channel partner.

ES Advantage CDL Manager


The ES team has partnered with SASid Insurance Development to create an exclusive health insurance marketplace for owner-operators and fleet owners. A press release for the kicked off this partnership on 7/20 and it was announced at the IN-SITE Dinner at the Expedite Expo.

The ES team is rolling out communications to both ES/EMS and ES Advantage Community members in addition to prospects. Greg Hellmich, a previous truck driver turned insurance consultant, is the contact that handles all inquiries and helps interested parties navigate the policies that are best for them.

To learn more, visit ESHealthPlans.com

Pearl Insurance

In the 4th Qtr, the ES Team is in the process of standing up a new channel partner, Pearl Insurance, creating the same landing pages, handouts, and campaigns that are available to all channel partners.

Success In Trucking Engagement (SITE) 2024

The date has been set for April 11-12, 2024 at the Lander’s Center in Southaven, MS for the SITE 2024. Planning has begun and updates will be provided as available.

What is SITE? 
The Success In Trucking Engagement is a gathering for drivers who want to become owners, owners aspiring to become fleet owners, and fleet owners looking to grow their fleets in the Expedite and General Trucking markets. ES helps prospective owners achieve Success in Trucking through our unique Path to Ownership (PTO).  The SITE is a place to help our community build relationships in order to better serve the market with programs and offerings that create Opportunities that help grow businesses.

Who Attends?
Attendees are drivers who want to become owners, owners wanting to upgrade or become fleet owners, and fleet owners looking to grow their fleets and sign on with a motor carrier or find a new carrier. There is no cost for participants to attend this event. Over 100 participants who are pre-qualified for a Path To Ownership will be provided with a complimentary hotel stay.

Keynote Speaker:
Eric McElvenny is an engaging communicator and an expert in teaching resilience. In 2006, Eric graduated the United States Naval Academy while preparing for his service as a Marine Corps Infantry Officer. Eric deployed three times as a Marine and on his final tour, an experience in Afghanistan, was wounded after stepping on an IED. Eric suffered the amputation of his right leg, a life-changing opportunity that began his next journey.

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