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Honoring Those That Have Served Through Hope For The Warriors

What would happen if you were not able to drive the truck that is parked in your driveway? Your way of life altered forever? – That is the challenge that faces many of the military veterans.  

Expediter Services (ES) has always been dedicated to creating a community with support networks in place so that our owner-operators and fleet owners can weather any storm that comes their way.

When our partners at Forward Air approached us last year about becoming involved in Operation Forward Freedom, a joint effort with Hope For The Warriors (HOPE), we saw an opportunity to impact the lives of men and women that have sacrificed for our great nation.

Since 2006, HOPE has helped service members, veterans, and military families across the nation when life circumstances change and hope seems to be lost. Their Drive For Hope Driver Rehabilitation Program has a simple mission: restore independence through driving and transportation.

We are excited to join our partners at Forward Air and support their Operation Forward Freedom initiative once again as the Hope and Courage sponsor for the 2nd Annual Drive For Hope Golf Tournament happening September 25th and 26th.

The two day event will begin on Monday evening with a dinner and silent auction, followed by the golf outing on Tuesday morning at Chateau Elan Golf Club in Braselton, Georgia – with all proceeds going to HOPE so that they can continue their mission.

Jeff Tacker, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Commercial Officer for ES will travel with Jason Williams , Co-Founder, President, and CEO along with other members of the ES team to help support Forward in ensuring that our military veterans Never Stand Alone.

We had a chance to sit down with Jeff and discuss this year’s Operation Forward Freedom event, what he was most looking forward to, and how the trucking industry continues to be shaped by veterans.

Operation Forward Freedom and their connection to HOPE helps raise awareness and funds for veteran support services within the trucking industry, but Jeff was quick to emphasize that both last year’s event and the one upcoming go well beyond the money being raised stating – “it’s not only the money, but how it is used.”

According to Jeff, “it is truly inspirational to see everyone come together for a common good, and a common cause, especially for people that we do not know personally. But to connect with people that have been directly impacted by the program, and to see the relief in their eyes, and hear it in their voices, as they gained a support network and regained some freedom is why we [Expediter Services] are excited to be involved again this year.”

Last year Operation Forward Freedom was able to raise $375,000 for Hope For The Warriors – a goal that Jeff expects will be surpassed as the event and movement continues to grow. 

For all of Jeff’s insights and thoughts on Operation Forward Freedom and HOPE, listen to the full interview below.

If you, or anyone that you know within trucking, can benefit from the services that HOPE provides, or if you would like to support the cause, visit their website to learn more. The HOPE team does amazing work and we are honored to help them LIFT up the veterans within the trucking community.

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