Webinar Replay: Start Your Own Trucking Business: Where The Rubber Meets The Road – Spotlighting Forward Air
Did you happen to catch the latest webinar in the ES IN-SITE 2021 online series? The live, free event event took place on April 28th, and it featured the latest in our series of webinars highlighting the partner motor carriers within the ES Community. Forward Air was the partner motor carrier in the spotlight during this edition of the IN-SITE 2021’s Start Your Own Trucking Business: Where The Rubber Meets The Road Series.
If you missed the live event, you can still view an on-demand replay of this free webinar. Like those who attended the live event, everyone watching the replay of the webinar will see a discussion that focuses on the key considerations owner-operators, independent contractors and aspiring entrepreneurs should review during the carrier recruiting process.
To watch the on-demand replay of our latest webinar, please click here.
Justin Ault, a manager on the ground floor of over-the-road recruiting with Forward Air, was featured on our expert panel as we highlighted the opportunities available through Forward Air and ES. Justin is joined on the panel by Meghan Turner, the Director of Recruiting for Expediter Services. The on-demand replay audience will hear the commitment by ES and Forward Air to position the members of the ES Community for real success in trucking when the rubber meets the road.
The panel discussion was moderated by Leah Shaver, the President and CEO of the National Transportation Institute (NTI). Founded in 1995, NTI has earned the reputation as a leader in the trucking industry for tracking company driver and owner-operator compensation history, changes and benchmarks. Leah, who also serves as a host on SiriusXM’s Road Dog Trucking Radio Channel 146, led the discussion in the style of a fireside chat.
Nothing illustrates the opportunities offered by ES and Forward Air better than those who have experienced the benefits of being part of the ES Community, and this webinar offered the opportunity for attendees to hear the success story of Briana and Virgil Bruning. Briana and Virgil are one of the many driving teams that have utilized the programs available from ES and Forward Air to build a strong business, enabling them to find their success in trucking.
Attendees to this webinar have the opportunity to learn how ES and Forward Air have partnered to create a simple and straightforward way to be your own boss.
We invite you to join us and watch the on-demand replay of Start Your Own Trucking Business: Where The Rubber Meets The Road – Spotlighting Forward Air. To watch the on-demand replay of our latest webinar, please click here.
ES is proud to have Stoops Freightliner serve as the Title Sponsor for the IN-SITE 2021 Series.
Expert Panel

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