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We Deliver on the Exclusive Healthcare Rewards Card!

ITG-logoIt’s Here! As promised, ES has delivered on bringing the new ITG Rewards card to ES affiliated Independent Contractors! The Rewards Card represents a great opportunity to help contractors cover healthcare costs, making it affordable, attainable & sustainable.From an insurance standpoint, independent contractors have not had coverage as a “group”, because they are self employed, as opposed to drivers who may work for an employer.

This situation has made it difficult for contractors to purchase insurance that’s affordable and ACA (Affordable Care Act) compliant. ES’s community benefits from ITG’s ability to pull together a large and diverse risk pool in order to make health insurance offerings affordable, attainable and new healthcare offering provides minimum essential coverage, as currently required by the Affordable Care Act. The ACA states that an individual must be compliant in order to AVOID paying the PENALTY, based upon their current tax year.

This new plan meets these requirements, so you pay no penalty for healthcare coverage. A real plus!

How it Works
ITG’s insurance coverage and member benefits are available exclusively to contractors in the expediting segment who are affiliated with Expediter Services. Members who select insurance through this program will receive a Rewards Card that can be used at approved vendors (Chili’s, TGI Friday’s, Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, Subway and thousands more) in order to get real discounts. These are actual dollars that contractors already are spending with participating businesses. $250 will be applied to each participating member’s card monthly. The Rewards Card is a perfect trade off that’s real and tangible, allowing the card holder, to apply the money saved at participating businesses toward insurance benefits you must have.

Affordable Cost for Membership
To be a member of the Independent Truckers Group there’s a monthly fee of only $10. This small amount is a “ticket of entry” that allows members to be eligible for a number of benefits, regardless if any other actions are taken within the group. It also gives members access to other insurance products. In addition to providing ACA minimum coverage, the program provides insurance plans for dental, vision, disability and life insurance. These services are a “one-stop-shop”, where agents can help walk members through a number of different offerings, in order to choose the coverage that’s right for you, saving both time and money. ES will provide affiliated contractors with settlement deductions that will be automatically paid to ITG. This makes the process easy, avoiding potential lapses in coverage.

“We encourage anyone who is an independent contractor affiliated with Expediter Services to take advantage of this opportunity to get affordable healthcare. If you’re not affiliated with ES, we encourage you to contact our team in order to benefit from this great healthcare offering, as well as the many other support programs offered by ES,” said Jason Williams, President, Expediter Services.
Visit the ITG Rewards website for more information.

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