Shining A Spotlight On The ES Community During National Truck Driver Appreciation Week
National Truck Driver Appreciation Week (NTDAW) is in full swing, and the men and women that keep our great nation moving forward are once again in the spotlight. At Expediter Services (ES), we do our best to recognize and thank our community members throughout the year, but we wanted to pause and reflect because this week is incredibly special.

The fact is, we interact with owner-operators, fleet owners, and their families on a daily basis, and we see the hard work and dedication that is required to make it in this business.
Driver Appreciation Week offers a unique opportunity to join forces with those that are outside of trucking, where we can collectively acknowledge and express our gratitude to the owner-operators, fleet owners, independent contractors, and trucking entrepreneurs that pour their blood, sweat, and tears into the industry.
This week is an opportunity for the ES team to renew our commitment to those that make up our community, as our way of saying thank you for everything that you do. The simple fact is – your success is our success.
Our Commitment To Our Community
Since 2006, ES has been committed to helping professional drivers realize their dreams of ownership. By removing barriers and putting support services in place, we can help our community members put themselves in the best position to succeed.
From day one, our goal has been to provide transparency and accountability to anyone that chooses to join the ES Community, but our commitment goes far beyond the ownership component.
By partnering with industry leading vendors and motor carriers, we are able to better serve our community with an ever-expanding suite of advantages that can help reduce costs, increase profitability, and improve the chance for success.
Several ES Community partners and members of our leadership team sat down to discuss the importance of Driver Appreciation Week and to thank those within the community that drives our industry forward. Catch the full conversations below, to hear their thoughts and how they each express their thanks during the week.
Jason Williams – President & CEO of Expediter Services (ES)
Leah Shaver – President & CEO of the National Transportation Institute
Part 1: Jeff Tacker – COO, CCO, Executive Vice President of Expediter Services
Part 2: Jeff Tacker – COO, CCO, Executive Vice President of Expediter Services
Part 3: Jeff Tacker – COO, CCO, Executive Vice President of Expediter Services
Part 4: Jeff Tacker – COO, CCO, Executive Vice President of Expediter Services
Frank Tufano – Director, Owner-Operator Recruiting at Panther Premium Logistics, a Service of ArcBest
Colton Lawrence – CFO & Founder of The Trucker CFO
Help Us Share The Message
The trucking industry touches every American family in one way or another. The ES Community serves an important and growing role that comes with a responsibility to help LIFT up those around us and make the spotlight a little bigger.
Throughout the week, we ask that you help us celebrate the men and women in our community and over the road. We are all part of something bigger than ourselves, and our collective voice has the power to connect to a larger network of people. Share photos, stories, and more to help those that aren’t fortunate enough to work with truckers on a daily basis see just how amazing this industry is and will continue to be.
From the entire Expediter Services team – Thank you! And God bless.