Spotlight News

Industry Veterans Ken & Jessica Horn Finding Career-Best Success as Part of the ES Community

Earlier this year, Spotlight News introduced our readers to Ken and Jessica Horn, long-time veterans of the trucking industry who were searching for a fresh start as owner-operators when they connected with ES. This week, Spotlight News is providing an update to the Horns’ story through a recent interview that is being featured on the IN-SITE 2021 Podcast Series.

On the podcast, you will hear directly from Jessica and Ken about their experience as part of the ES Community since they were first contacted by ES Director of Recruiting Meghan Turner. The Horns had been referred to ES by Forward Air, and Meghan encouraged Ken and Jessica to enter the ES Path To Ownership (PTO) program.

As part of the PTO program, the Horns were able to rent a truck from ES and drive as independent contractors in the Forward Air fleet. As you’ll hear in the podcast, the PTO program gave Ken and Jessica the opportunity to get to know the support team at ES and the wide scope of services that can be accessed as part of the ES Community. Most importantly, the PTO program allowed the Horns to demonstrate to themselves and to ES that they could be successful running a business operation while out on the road.

In October of 2020, the Horns felt ready to take the next step within the ES Community and become truck owners. In February, Jessica and Ken shared part of their personal story of their introduction to the ES Community during our first webinar in the IN-SITE 2021 Series, Start Your Own Trucking Business: Why Now Is The Time & This Is The Place.

During this edition of the IN-SITE 2021 Podcast Series, we had the opportunity to have a deeper conversation with Ken and Jessica. In this podcast, you’ll hear how pursuing the opportunity with ES has truly improved the lives of two trucking industry veterans who have nearly 50 years of combined experience on the road.

“There’s nothing out there in this industry like the program ES has put together. ES has dotted all the I’s and crossed all the T’s to provide you with a plan and the kind of support that you need to make sure that you are successful.”
~ Jessica Horn

As Jessica shares during the podcast on what she now tells fellow professional drivers who ask about the programs available from ES, “Quite frankly, you need to look at what ES has to offer. If you are someone who has ever had a thought about owning your own truck, you need to talk with ES. Ken and I have been out here a long time, and we’ve been a part of other programs that offer the opportunity to become an owner-operator. Like a lot of people in this industry, we struggled hard in those programs. ES is totally different. ES has your back and they stand beside you from the first day in their program. There’s nothing out there in this industry like the program ES has put together. ES has dotted all the I’s and crossed all the T’s to provide you with a plan and the kind of support that you need to make sure that you are successful.”

COMING SOON: Next IN-SITE Edition of the IN-SITE 2021 Webinar Series

On Wednesday, April 28th, ES will be continuing our series of webinars highlighting the partner motor carriers within the ES Community. Forward Air will be the next motor carrier in the spotlight during IN-SITE 2021’s Start Your Own Trucking Business Where The Rubber Meets The Road Series. As we will do with all our motor carrier spotlights, this webinar will be focused on the key considerations owner-operators, independent contractors and aspiring entrepreneurs should review during the carrier recruiting process.

Justin Ault, a manager on the ground floor of fleet recruiting with Forward Air, will be featured on our expert panel along with members of the recruiting team at ES. Among the topics discussed by the panel will be the commitment by ES and Forward Air to position the members of the ES Community for real success in trucking when the rubber meets the road. Our panel will include the driving team of owner-operators who, like the Horns, went through the ES PTO Program.

We will have more details coming your way very soon about this free webinar event. If you would like to register to join us for the live webinar or to catch the replays on demand, please click here.

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