Expediter Services’ Second IN-SITE 2020 Webinar To Focus On Partnering With The Right Motor Carrier Within The COVID-19 Era
The August 25th live webinar event and replay will feature an expert panel examining how carriers are working to meet the needs of the professional drivers in their respective fleets. Panelists for the webinar will include representatives from FedEx Custom Critical, Forward Air and Panther Premium Logistics, a Service of ArcBest.The panel will also be examining the challenges and opportunities now found with the COVID-19 era for those professional drivers who are considering becoming owner-operators.
MEMPHIS, Tenn. – August 18, 2020 – Expediter Services (ES), a leader in capacity solutions and ownership opportunities within the trucking industry, is pleased to announce the company will be presenting the second edition in the IN-SITE 2020 Webinar Series. The webinar, entitled Trucking in the COVID-19 Era: Partnering with the Right Motor Carrier, will focus on how the partner carriers in the ES Community have adjusted to the challenges the industry has encountered so far in the COVID-19 era. It will also examine the challenges and opportunities now found during these times for those professional drivers who are considering becoming owner-operators.
The one-hour, live broadcast of the webinar will take place on Tuesday, August 25th at 2:00 p.m. EDT. The online replay for the second webinar in the IN-SITE 2020 Webinar Series will be available approximately two hours following the conclusion of the live event. Both the live event and replay are free to all registrants.
Following the blueprint that helped provide ES with a successful debut of the IN-SITE 2020 Series in July, ES has once again assembled an expert panel that will be participating in our August edition of the webinar. For the upcoming live event, ES will be taking a slightly different approach than the company utilized in the debut of the IN-SITE 2020 series. Rather than ask the expert panelists to share their insights through a traditional presentation format, the Partnering with the Right Motor Carrier webinar will be a Q&A session.
Leah Shaver, the President and CEO of the National Transportation Institute, will serve as the moderator for the discussion with the ES carrier partners. Leah, who also serves as a host on SiriusXM’s Road Dog Trucking Radio Channel 146, will be leading the discussion in the style of a fireside chat, highlighting how the partner carriers in the ES Community are moving forward with their operations and meeting the needs of the professional drivers in their respective fleets.
“In our planning for our initial webinar series, we decided to place our focus on topics that could be helpful to professional drivers, owner-operators and independent contract drivers working within an industry that is adjusting to trucking in the COVID-19 era,” said ES President Jason Williams. “At ES, we have been fortunate to build strong relationships with a number of motor carriers over the years, and, through our second webinar, we wanted to provide our carrier partners within our ES Community the opportunity to discuss how they are meeting the needs of both their customers and the professional drivers in their fleets in 2020, a year that’s unlike any we’ve seen in this industry.”
The August 25th webinar hosted by ES will include participation from FedEx Custom Critical, Forward Air and Panther Premium, a Service of ArcBest. All three motor carriers have established long relationships with ES and the ES Community. Nick Burch, the Director of Recruiting for Panther Premium, Ryan Gilliam, the Vice President of Talent for Forward Air, and Zak Mattocks, Managing Director of Operations for FedEx Custom Critical, will be the carrier panelists for the August edition of the webinar. Ms. Shaver, Mr. Williams and Jeff Tacker, the Chief Operating Officer of ES, will also be a part of the expert panel on August 25th.
Registrations for the live event in August and access to the replay of the webinar are available through the following link: https://globalmeet.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1352623&tp_key=b4db0cdb44
Expert Panel

In addition to the webinar series, IN-SITE 2020 is continuing to add episodes to a podcast series which features panelists from the webinar series and other experts providing in-depth discussions on the key issues of the day facing owner-operators, fleet owners and independent professional drivers considering truck ownership opportunities. To access the catalog of podcasts from the IN-SITE 2020 Online Series and to learn about other aspects of the overall program, click on the following link: https://essuccessintrucking.com/insite2020/.
ES has planned a series of three webinars for the initial rollout of IN-SITE 2020. The debut edition of the IN-SITE 2020 Webinar Series, Trucking in the COVID-19 Era: Starting & Building Your Own Trucking Business, was broadcast live on July 21st. The debut webinar was well-received by live attendees and by those who have watched the webcast through a replay. The July webinar remains available to the public through the replay link. To watch the IN-SITE 2020 Webinar from July, click on the following link: https://globalmeet.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1341930&tp_key=da8a98607e
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