Spotlight News

Women in Expediting: Bobbi Moore

As we continue to expand upon our series about “Women in Expediting”, Spotlight News is speaking with women to learn why they chose Expediting as a career, and how they cope with an industry that has been traditionally dominated by males. We are also exploring the strengths that women bring to the industry.
One might think that women who make Expediting a career solely become drivers or owners. But as you will see in this issue, women play other key roles that are indispensable to the success of their businesses.
We introduce Bobbi Moore, wife and business partner of Jimmy Moore. She at first reluctantly entered into Expediting, but became adept at managing and recruiting for a growing and dynamic fleet of nine Expediting trucks.

SLN: How did You and Jimmy get started in Expediting?
Our start really began with my husband. We had recently sold a business here in Las Vegas and he began looking at some other business opportunities. He discovered FedEx Custom Critical and began doing research to determine the income potential of Expediting. The business model looked very good, so we decided to go for it.

SLN: What was your role in this new business venture?
At first, my role was pretty minimal. I don’t have a commercial drivers license, so from the very beginning, my job was to take care of things on the home front. We have two young boys, Jimmy Moore Jr. (16), and Joshua Moore (10). We both decided that it was important for someone to be here while Jimmy was on the road. To be quite honest, I was pretty reluctant about the whole thing because I knew absolutely nothing about Expediting or trucking. But Jimmy’s business instincts are good, so I just figured I would jump in with both feet and make the best of whatever opportunities came my way.

SLN: Tell us how your business began to grow?
We started our business in late 2013 with one truck. Being new to Expediting, it got off to a bit of a rocky start, mainly because finding a good used Class 8 truck was difficult and the truck we wound up buying just didn’t work out very well. Shortly thereafter we discovered Expediter Truck Sales and Expediter Equipment Finance and haven’t looked back. Our current fleet of nine trucks is made up entirely of trucks from ETS and it has made a huge difference in our ability to grow quickly and efficiently.

From the beginning, we’ve partnered with Expediter Services. Their fuel and insurance discounts are great and so is the support they provide through their Owner Operator Program. There’s no doubt ES has helped us grow our fleet. They really give you an advantage so we Never Stand Alone. Even now that we’re experienced Expediters, ES is an integral part of our growth model. I only wish we had known about Expediter Truck Sales from the beginning. It would have made things so much easier when it came to buying that first truck!

SLN: How has your role and tasks changed as your business has grown?
As you can imagine, at first there wasn’t a whole lot to do. We grew our fleet by purchasing one truck at a time. Jimmy would drive each new truck and we would find someone to drive with him, as well as finding a team to drive the other truck. After truck number three, things really started to get busy for me. Now, it’s pretty much a full-time job managing the accounting and recruiting for a fleet of nine trucks!
I think part of our success is the fact that we are constantly in “recruiting mode”. If we get to the point where we have too many teams for the amount of trucks we have on hand, we then evaluate our position and either add another truck or pass that team along to another fleet owner or even forward them on to Expediter Services.

SLN: What does Jimmy think about your involvement within the company?
He thinks that what I do is absolutely necessary. We both realize that we wouldn’t be able to make it in this business without the management and recruiting skills that I bring to the table. But at the end of the day, what we do is a team effort. We work very well together and we realize that each of us has our own strengths that contribute to our success as a whole.

SLN: How do people react when they learn that you’re a woman working in a field dominated by men?
Due to the fact that my role is administrative and not out on the road mixing it up with the guys, people’s reaction is just like that to any other office-type of job. I think for the most part people are surprised when they learn about the amount of growth we’ve achieved in such a short amount of time. There’s absolutely no stigma when it comes to me being a female in this business and I think that’s a positive for everyone.

SLN: Do you have any advice for women who may be looking to enter Expediting as a career?
My advice for women (or anyone for that matter) who wants to get involved in Expediting is to surround yourself with as many professionals as you can in order to learn the business. ES is a perfect example of this. Their support team is extremely helpful, especially to those just starting out. Also, I would recommend networking with people in all levels of the business. When it comes to Expediting, you never stop learning.

SLN: What does the future hold for the company and for you?
I think without a doubt, we will continue to grow until God tells us it’s time to stop. We just added our first DR unit at the Expediter Services Spring Egg event. Jimmy has been very involved with this new truck because they run differently than dry units. He’ll continue to be hands-on until the truck and the new team is up-to-speed. As for me, I will continue to manage the accounting and the recruiting for the fleet as it grows. Our sons are also showing an interest in the business and that’s something we’ll nurture as they grow up. Who knows, someday they may take over the business and carry it to a whole new level! But one thing is for certain, we will continue to rely on the Expediter Services, Expediter Truck Sales and Expediter Equipment Finance as we grow.

Thanks Bobbi, for sharing your perspective on Women in Expediting.
Stay tuned for another edition of Women in Expediting in a future issue of Spotlight News!

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