No CDL. No Problem.
In the world of science, there’s a principle know as Occam’s Razor: the easiest solution to a problem is usually the best. This rule can also be applied to Expediting. Just ask Independent Contractors Randy and Starr Hill, a husband and wife team who found a simple solution to a big problem, with help from Expediter Services.
When Randy Hill found himself laid up from a severe back injury a few years ago, he and Starr’s financial future looked like it might be in jeopardy. They both knew there had to be solution to their situation, so they began to look for business opportunities online. “Randy spent a couple of years at home recovering from several back surgeries,” said Starr. “He had been a freight hauler for years and was looking for a way to get back into the business. The major criteria we were looking for was that any trucking opportunity would need to be low touch or no touch freight. He found Expediter Services online and gave them a call just to get some information.”

Kim Smith, ES Recruiter
The Hill’s phone call put them in contact with ES Recruiter Kim Smith. It turned out to be a call that would help overcome a number of obstacles standing in the way of their success. “Randy had been spending a lot of time talking with Kim about our business goals and learning about Expediter Services. ES’s answers to our requirements, including no touch freight sounded good, but I was skeptical. I also spoke with Kim and she was able to overcome any apprehensions that I had. We decided to give ES a try. We started preparing everything on our end to get started as Contract Drivers, signed on with FedEx as our carrier. We hopped a bus to the ES offices, got our paperwork in order and took the truck to the carrier’s orientation. When we finished all of that, there was a 2014 Cascadia waiting on us,” said Starr.

ES Fleet Manager, Alicia Leslie
There was only one problem, however. “In reality, Expediter Services actually only brought Randy on board. I was still working on getting my CDL, and had finished the written portion and just needed to be trained on a truck to get qualified. Finishing this part of my CDL had put us behind in getting started. One day, Randy mentioned this problem to Kim. She made a couple of phone calls and quickly called us back with a solution: Randy could train me while he’s working in our truck, then when I was ready, I could go take my test to complete my CDL. We were blown away by such an easy solution and the great support from ES to help me finish my CDL. To be able to train with my husband in our own truck was so easy and truly a blessing. It goes without saying that I was a lot more comfortable and safe training with my husband versus a stranger. For anyone looking to get trained, especially women, I highly recommend this approach. We started the process to become Contract Drivers back in November of last year. By June of this year, I had my CDL and we’ve been on the road ever since, driving and making money. It’s wonderful! We absolutely love what we do!”
With their business finally up and running as a team, the road ahead is looking very good indeed. “A few weeks ago, we got a call from our Fleet Manager Alicia Leslie, telling us to drop by and pick up our brand new 2016 Cascadia. The truck is wonderful. It’s so nice, it kind of gets us to wondering what it would be like to actually own our own truck some day. And when that day comes, ES will be our choice. I know they’ll be there for us no matter what decision we make for our business.”
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