Having Your Say About Our Annual Survey
Over the past several weeks, Expediter Services has introduced it’s annual survey in order to obtain valuable feedback about how the company is servicing and performing on a number of levels. The survey is an easy-to-take online questionnaire that drivers and owner operators affiliated with ES are encouraged to take. Take the survey here.

Cindy Sutton, ES’s Survey Coordinator
Spotlight News talked to ES’s very own Cindy Sutton, Survey Coordinator, to get her input about the importance of the survey to participants and to the future of ES. We also reached out to several of the survey participants and iPad winners to get their take.
SLN: Why is it so important for ES to give this annual survey?
We perform the survey to collect data from the most important portion of our business model, which is independent contractors made up of drivers, owner operators and fleet owners. By collecting this data, we can then know how to better serve them and improve operations on our end as we go forward.
SLN: How is the survey going so far?
The survey has been going great! We appreciate everyone’s participation. Also, everyone who takes the survey is eligible to win weekly prizes, from a new iPad to Swag Bags.
Our goal is to reach 60% of our survey base — which we’ve already achieved. The response has been truly outstanding. Originally, we had planned to run the survey for 12 weeks. But with the response we’ve had, we’ll be ending the survey early on December 2nd. This is due to the participation of our community, showing that they are engaged and involved.
SLN: Is there still time to take the survey?
Absolutely! If you haven’t already taken the survey, you still have time to login, give us your feedback and win prizes! Just go to this link: Take the survey here.
As promised, SLN caught up with several of the weekly survey participants and iPad winners to get their feedback about the annual survey, and about the service they get from Expediter Services.
Shirley Voyles
Contract Driver TVAL/White Glove
Carrier: FedEx
“I took the survey and it wasn’t any problem at all. I understand the purpose of it, and that’s to make sure Expediter Services knows how we feel about what we do, and how they can better service us. Years ago, when we first came on with ES, our contacts were Alicia, Amanda and April. Over the years, their staff has grown, but their level of service and quality has grown with them. Also, I have to say, it’s exciting to win an iPad! “
Lauretta Morton
Contract Driver
Carrier: Panther
“I found the survey easy to take, and I’m glad to give input because I know it helps everyone. We’ve been with ES for about six months as contract drivers. They’ve always served us good by advising us about the loads we need to keep moving. I’m not quite sure what I’m going to use the iPad for yet, but it will probably be to listen to music. What a great surprise!”
Dan Worrell
Fleet Owner
Carrier: FedEx
“I felt that the survey was quite comprehensive and I certainly got the impression that ES was going quite a bit deeper than just a general surgery. I can see how the information the company is seeking would be beneficial in moving theirs and our business along. ES has outperformed in answering every question I’ve had as a fleet owner, helping us resolve a number of issues. We got our iPad and have already programmed it in and we’re using it for our business.”
Joseph Dees
Contract Driver
Carrier: FedEx
“I’m the first to admit that I’m not the best when it comes to working on the computer, but I took the survey on my phone and was able to answer all the questions. It was thorough and I’m sure it will give Expediter Services a good look into what drivers are experiencing as we do our jobs. ES has always been responsive to us and I’m sure they will take the information and use it to improve what they do even more. Oh yes, I’ll be picking up my iPad soon!”
Expediter Services is always looking for opportunities to improve how we can service YOU and YOUR business. If you have questions about what we do, or if you’d like to access the opportunities offered by ES as an independent contractor, please contact our team at 877-349-9303.
ES is working for You!
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