2021 Marketing Campaign Highlights
IN-SITE Dinner | Interviews | New Program | Webinars | Podcasts | Media Coverage | ES Advantage Program
IN-SITE Dinner at The Expo
Featured Speakers: Jason Williams and Jeff Tacker
As part of the 2021 Expedite Expo, ES recorded the presentation program that was made at the IN-SITE Dinner at the Expedite Expo. This event, which took place on Day 1 of the Expo, brought together a crowd of more than 180 audience members who heard the latest insights on the trucking industry as well as details on the services, programs and opportunities that are available for professional drivers through ES. ES Chief Operating Officer Jeff Tacker and ES President Jason Williams were the featured speakers during the IN-SITE Dinner Program.
2021 Expedite Expo Interviews

Hyfield Trucking’s Success Story
Throughout the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, ES has continually lived up to the company’s motto that you Never Stand Alone with ES. The leaders of Hyfield Trucking, one of the larger fleets that has grown while part of the ES Community, shared how ES stood by them and served as a resource at the dawn of the pandemic and beyond.
Expedite Expo Conversation With Jason Williams
As part of the 2021 Expedite Expo, ES recorded the presentation program that was made at the IN-SITE Dinner at the Expedite Expo. This event, which took place on Day 1 of the Expo, brought together a crowd of more than 180 audience members who heard the latest insights on the trucking industry as well as details on the services, programs and opportunities that are available for professional drivers through ES. ES Chief Operating Officer Jeff Tacker and ES President Jason Williams were the featured speakers during the IN-SITE Dinner Program.
Expedite Expo Conversation With Women In Trucking Association Founder Ellen Voie
With the Expedite Expo celebrating its 20th anniversary and the return of the event this year, ES spent some time with Women In Trucking Association President & CEO Ellen Voie, who has been attending the Expedite Expo since its inception. We talked with Ellen about the return of the Expo, the 150 Business Challenge program developed by ES and WIT as well as many other trucking industry topics of interest.
Expedite Expo Conversation With OnTime Media President Monte Stetler
As part of the effort by ES to capture what took place at the 2021 edition of the Expedite Expo, we talked with OnTime Media President Monte Stetler. OnTime Media launched the Expedite Expo and has hosted the event for 20 years. In addition to marking a milestone anniversary, this year’s Expedite Expo became the first major in-person trucking event since the global pandemic. Monte took some time as the Expedite Expo was wrapping up to discuss his company’s decision to move forward and host the Expo and the support he received from ES as the title sponsor.
Introduction of New Program
Details on New Lease to Own Program from ES and Panther Premium Logistics
ES and Panther Premium Logistics, a Service of ArcBest, have developed a revolutionary lease-to-own truck program that provides professional drivers with the opportunity to achieve true truck ownership with access to competitive market-rate financing and the full support of two of the most respected organizations in the trucking industry. Frank Tufano, the Director of Owner-Operator Recruiting for Panther, talked with us at the Expedite Expo about the relationship he has built with the team at ES and he also offered an overview of the new program.
IN-SITE 2021 Webinar Series

IN-SITE 2021 Webinar 1 –
Start Your Own Trucking Business: Why Now Is The Time & This Is The Place
As part of the company’s ongoing effort to provide helpful insights and real solutions to entrepreneurs and trucking business owners, the Start Your Own Trucking Business webinar will examine the current conditions in the trucking market. We will discuss the opportunities that are available for starting and growing a trucking business, and this webinar will also address the range of challenges that today’s entrepreneurs will face. As with our previous webinars, ES has secured subject-matter experts who can address the key issues and current conditions in the trucking market.
IN-SITE 2021 Webinar 2 –
Start Your Own Trucking Business: Where The Rubber Meets The Road – Spotlighting Panther Premium Logistics
With this edition of the IN-SITE 2021 series from Expediter Services, we are going to begin a series of webinars highlighting the partner motor carriers within the ES Community. Panther Premium Logistics, a Service of ArcBest, will be the first motor carrier in the spotlight during IN-SITE 2021’s Start Your Own Trucking Business Where The Rubber Meets The Road Series. As we will do with all our motor carrier spotlights, this webinar will be focused on the key considerations owner-operators, independent contractors and aspiring entrepreneurs should review during the carrier recruiting process.
IN-SITE 2021 Webinar 3 –
Start Your Own Trucking Business: Where The Rubber Meets The Road – Spotlighting Forward Air
Forward Air will be the next motor carrier in the spotlight during our IN-SITE 2021 Series. As we will do with all our motor carrier spotlights, this webinar will be focused on the key considerations owner-operators, independent contractors and aspiring entrepreneurs should review during the carrier recruiting process.
IN-SITE 2021 Webinar 4 –
Start Your Own Trucking Business: Connecting Dispatch With YOU!
In this edition of the IN-SITE 2021 Webinar Series from Expediter Services, we will be exploring how comprehensive support and the services trucking business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs receive as part of the ES Community ensures that you will Never Stand Alone. You’ll meet two members of the Services Coordinator team at ES, Senior Service Coordinator Patrick Bertrand and Service Coordinator Lee Burkhalter.
2021 Podcast Releases

Preview of IN-SITE Webinar Series: An Interview With Moderator Leah Shaver
Leah Shaver, the President and CEO of the National Transportation Institute, once again served as the moderator for the IN-SITE Webinar Series. Prior to the presentation of the first webinar in February, Leah talked with the Success In Trucking Podcast to talk about the upcoming series and key industry issues as 2021 got rolling.
IN-SITE 2021 Podcast Series: Preview
NTI President & CEO Leah Shaver previews the first webinar in the IN-SITE 2021 Series
Preview of IN-SITE Webinar Series: An Interview With Moderator Leah Shaver
Leah Shaver, the President and CEO of the National Transportation Institute, once again served as the moderator for the IN-SITE Webinar Series. Prior to the presentation of the first webinar in February, Leah talked with the Success In Trucking Podcast to talk about the upcoming series and key industry issues as 2021 got rolling.
IN-SITE 2021 Podcast Series Sponsored By Stoops Freightliner
Ken & Jessica Horn Finding Career-Best Success as Part of the ES Community
Expo Series Interview with Danny Vernon
In this edition of the Success In Trucking Podcast Powered by ES, Danny Vernon talks with us about what the ES Truck Sales Team will be doing in their dedicated booth at the upcoming Expedite Expo. Danny also gives us an answer to the question, “Is now a good time to buy a truck?”
Success In Trucking Podcast Expo Series: Interview With Danny Vernon
Expo Series Interview with Jeff Tacker
In this edition of the Success In Trucking Podcast Powered by ES, Jeff Tacker talks with us about the return of the Expedite Expo, the two booths that ES will be featuring on the show floor, the IN-SITE at the Expo Dinner and much more.
Success In Trucking Podcast Expo Series: Interview With Jeff Tacker
Expo Series with Steve Kochensparger
In this edition of the Success In Trucking Podcast Powered by ES, Steve Kochensparger looks back at his career of working with professional drivers seeking to become owner-operators. Steve also discusses the ownership programs from ES, access to financing through ES and how the ownership opportunities from ES stand above any offering he has seen during more than 20 years in the trucking industry.
Success In Trucking Podcast Expo Series: Interview With Steve Kochensparger
Expo Series Interview with Jason Williams
In this edition of the Success In Trucking Podcast Powered by ES, Jason Williams, the President of ES, looks ahead to the return of the Expedite Expo and its 20 anniversary edition. Along with providing perspective on the current trends within expedite and within the overall trucking industry, Jason spends in this interview some time looking back at the first time ES made the trip to the Expo as an exhibitor at the event. Jason’s memories from those early years illustrate just how much both ES and the Expo have grown over the years.
Success In Trucking Podcast Expo Series: Interview With ES President Jason Williams
ES Advantage Program
In the debut episode of the ES Advantage Podcast, we talk with Jeff Reese and April Holland, who each provide an in-depth look inside the ES Advantage Program. The podcast also includes an interview with Deb Carter, an owner-operator who became an ES Advantage Program member earlier this year.
Success In Trucking Podcast Expo Series: ES Advantage Program
2021 Media Coverage
IN-SITE Webinar Media Coverage
April edition of Expediter Services IN-SITE 2021 webinar series places spotlight on Forward Air
ES Advantage Media Coverage
From TheTrucker.com: Story on the ES Advantage Program
ES Advantage Program