The SITE 2019
The Success In Trucking Expo (SITE) enjoyed a strong inaugural edition in 2019 with a memorable gathering of owner-operators, independent contract drivers, fleet owners and aspiring trucking entrepreneurs joining a large group of vendors and partner motor carriers who are part of the ES Community.
ES had planned second edition of the SITE in 2020, but the global COVID pandemic forced the company to put the event on the shelf until the public health crisis ended and the trucking calendar presented an opportunity to restart the event.
ES is now in the process of working out the details on the specific date and location for the next edition of the SITE, targeting a return for the popular event in 2023. When ES has secured the date and location for the next SITE, we will be sharing those details with you through this website as well as through media releases.
Looking back at the first edition of the SITE in 2018, the participating carriers, sponsors and vendors came together to allow the SITE to feature an atmosphere and structure that stands out as unique when compared to the traditional truck shows currently on the calendar.
The SITE, as evidenced by the inaugural event in 2019, is a much more personal, hands-on event. The focus of the next edition of the SITE will once again be placed upon connecting with professional drivers who are looking to take the next step in their careers and become truck owners. The SITE is also designed to help address the needs of contract drivers, owner-operators and fleet owners.
Those attending the next edition of the SITE will have the opportunity to become acquainted with and enjoy the fellowship of the ES Community. Attendees will get a sense of the deep commitment and the comprehensive support provided to ES ownership program participants. The fleets and vendors participating in the SITE program have been hand-picked by ES because of their desire to help the attendees in reaching their goals within the trucking industry.
If you have questions regarding the SITE, please email ES at [email protected]