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IN-SITE 2022 Webinar From Expediter Services To Highlight FedEx Custom Critical & Explore Truck Ownership Opportunities

Expediter Services (ES), a leader in capacity solutions and ownership opportunities within the trucking industry, is pleased to announce the company will be presenting the second webinar of its IN-SITE 2022 Online Series. The free webinar is entitled 2022, It’s All About You: Spotlighting FedEx Custom Critical & Truck Ownership Opportunities.

The second webinar for the IN-SITE 2022 series will discuss the current conditions related to truck ownership and starting a trucking business while also highlighting the opportunities with FedEx Custom Critical, which is one of the carriers within the ES community.

Part of the webinar will cover the long relationship between ES and FedEx Custom Critical and how members of the ES Community have grown their businesses and found their success in trucking through the programs and support offerings available to trucking entrepreneurs.

The live webinar event will take place on Tuesday, March 29, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. EDT. Replays of the webinar will be available for all who register for the event. Free registrations for the live event and access to the replay of the webinar are available by clicking here.

The panel for the second session of the IN-SITE 2022 webinar series will feature Jason Campbell, Vice President of Operations, Ops Systems & Support at FedEx Custom Critical, and Steve Callitsis, Managing Director of Operations Systems and Support at FedEx Custom Critical. The panel will also include Jason Williams, the Co-Founder and President of Expediter Services, and Jeff Tacker, the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Commercial Officer of Expediter Services.

The panel discussion for this edition of the IN-SITE 2022 webinar series will be moderated by Leah Shaver, the President and CEO of the National Transportation Institute (NTI). Founded in 1995, NTI has earned the reputation as a leader in the trucking industry for tracking company driver and owner-operator compensation history, changes and benchmarks. Leah, who also serves as a host on SiriusXM’s Road Dog Trucking Radio Channel 146, is one of the foremost experts in the trucking industry on topics related to compensation, driver recruiting and driver retention.

The market outlook for 2022 and the opportunities for independent contractors and owner-operators will be among the topics that the panel will be discussing during the webinar. Live attendees and on-demand viewers of the webinar will also hear about the collaborative efforts between FedEx Custom Critical and ES that have paved the way for professional drivers to become truck owners and successfully operate small businesses within the industry.

“We are thrilled to have an opportunity to feature FedEx Custom Critical as part of the IN-SITE 2022. For more than a decade now, our team at ES has had the honor and pleasure to build a strong working relationship with the team at FedEx Custom Critical,” said ES President and Co-Founder Jason Williams. “Our ES Community is filled with the success stories of entrepreneurs who utilized our program offerings at ES to become independent contract drivers, owner-operators, and fleet owners as part of the FedEx Custom Critical fleet. We are looking forward to hearing Jason Campbell and Steve Callitsis share their perspectives through our panel discussion.

“As I have said many times prior to one of our webinars, we would like to invite anyone who is interested in exploring truck ownership or growing your existing trucking business to join us for our live event or through the on-demand replay,” Williams added. “You will see that we have great carriers along with a strong and supportive community that is focused on helping people achieve success in trucking.”

The March webinar event is part of the overall IN-SITE 2022 Online Series. ES has planned free webinar events and podcast releases throughout the year as part of the overall. The upcoming webinars and podcasts in the series will continue to have topics of interest for owner-operators, independent contract drivers, fleet owners and any aspiring entrepreneurs within trucking. To stay up to date on the latest with IN-SITE 2022, please visit

Expert Panel

Leah Shaver

President & CEO,
National Transportation Institute,
SiriusXM Road Dog Trucking Radio Host
Panel Moderator

Jason Campbell

Vice President of Operations, Ops Systems & Support,
FedEx Custom Critical

Steve Callitsis

Managing Director of Operations Systems and Support,
FedEx Custom Critical

Jason Williams

Expediter Services

Jeff Tacker

Chief Operating Officer,
Expediter Services

ES is proud to have Stoops Freightliner serve as the Title Sponsor for the IN-SITE 2022 Series.

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