Expediter Services Offers a Much Better Alternative to Finance a Truck
As an Expediter, when was the last time you truly found a much better alternative to anything in business, or even in life that actually lives up to its’ promise? Most alternatives tend to fall flat, leaving you with not much to show for your efforts. But sometimes, you find an alternative that actually works better than the so called “mainstream” choices — a product or service that’s a real game changer, creating opportunities that can turn your business and your life around for the better.
Now there’s a true alternative to truck finance from Expediter Services/Expediter Equipment Finance that offers real opportunity for truck ownership through the Path to Ownership Program: the MBA (Much Better Alternative).The Much Better Alternative is the brainchild of Expediter Services CEO, Paul Williams, who explains how the program helps prospective truck owners through innovative finance options. “Expediter Services believes that every driver has a chance at ownership. We take this concept out of the realm of possibility and make it real,” said Williams. “The MBA or Much Better Alternative is our way of letting people know that we’re not the everyday financing option. We break the mold of traditional financing because we take non-traditional factors into account when it comes to buying a truck.”
Expediter Services is the Only Company that Offers a Much Better Alternative for prospective owners by taking into account the following non-traditional lending factors:
- We take your work history and productivity into account when it comes to financing a truck
We welcome 1st time buyers
- We welcome non-homeowners
- We have market competitive rates for the entire spectrum of loan applicants
- We offer proven support programs through Expediter Management Services to help you succeed
“Expediter Services has helped hundreds of people graduate to truck ownership with the MBA. We challenge anyone to find a Much Better Alternative when it comes to buying a truck. We’re passionate about helping drivers to become owners and truly believe Expediter Services’ MBA (Much Better Alternative) is the new standard of truck finance in the industry,” said Williams.
Anyone looking for a true alternative to truck finance is encouraged to contact our team at 877.349.9303 for more information.
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