Welcome To The ES Community!
We’re Here To Answer Your Questions As You Get Rolling
Congratulations on becoming part of the ES Community! As you have seen and heard, with ES you NEVER STAND ALONE.
If you haven’t met him already, we’d like to introduce you to Allen Fisher. Allen serves as a primary point of contact for the independent contract drivers and owner-operators new to the ES Community.
To help you get to know more about Allen and how things work at ES, we have created a series of short podcasts where Allen addresses frequently asked questions for new ES Community members.
If you have questions, feel free to reach out to your Service Coordinator:
Allen Fisher
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 877-349-9303 Ext 188
David Neese
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 877-349-9303 Ext 128
Patrick Bertrand
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 877-349-9303 Ext 102
Meet Allen Fisher: A Resource For Answering Your Questions
In our debut episode, we’ll learn how Allen Fisher works to provide support and stand with the independent contract drivers and owner-operators coming into the ES Community. As you’ll hear, Allen serves as a key point of contact during the first 90 to 120 days for the trucking professionals joining the ES Community. As Allen shares on this podcast, he is part of the commitment to make sure from DAY ONE that you Never Stand Alone with ES.
Getting Started
Tips on how to get started and utilize the resources within the ES Community.
What Is The PTO Program?
Answering the key questions about the Path To Ownership program that is available from ES.
Transition From PTO to Ownership
Discussing the transition from the PTO program into the financing process and moving into truck ownership with ES.
Thinking Like An Owner
Discussing why it’s important for the participants in the ES truck ownership programs available from ES to take the approach to think like an owner rather than just driving the truck.
Governed Trucks
Answering the key questions that come up about the governed speeds for the trucks in the ES truck ownership programs available from ES.
Fuel Discounts
Discussion on how to use the fuel discount program that is available through the ES Community.