Consent Agreements

Contact Consent

By submitting this registration form, I expressly consent to be contacted by an ES team member or anaffiliate of ES with materials regarding the services provided by ES via telephone, email, text message,or the event app. I understand that the calls and messages may be transmitted using an auto-dialingsystem.

Qualification & Attendance

I understand that expression of interest or submitting a registration form does not guaranteequalification for attendance to the SITE 2024 event hosted by Expediter Services, LLC (“ES”). 

ES has an established vetting process all attendees must complete in order to attend. Only qualifiedand approved attendees will receive admittance to the event, hotel accommodations, and mealsthroughout the event. 

Attendance does not guarantee access to financing or other opportunities within the ES Community.

Code of Conduct

We are committed to providing an inclusive and harassment-free experience for everyone, irrespectiveof gender, age, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, national origin, or religion.Harassment in any form is not tolerated within our community. 

Sexual or discriminatory language and imagery are inappropriate in all settings, including personalspace, presentations, workshops, parties, and online media. Any community participant found violatingthese rules may face expulsion from our events or venues, without a refund, at the discretion of ourstaff.

Media Release

I hereby grant Expediter Services, LLC (“ES”) permission to photograph, videotape, or digitally recordand use images and/or sound recordings of myself for advertising, marketing, and promotionalpurposes. These images and recordings may be used in any public media, including internet, socialmedia, print, or in the organization’s or its partners’ publications or posts. I understand and agree thatI waive any rights or interest in the images or recordings as stated in this release.

I agree that all materials collected at SITE 2024 may be edited at ES’ sole discretion. I consent to use ofmy name, image, likeness, voice and biographical material about me in connection with materialsproduced. I expressly release you, your agents, employees, licensees and assigns from and against anyand all claims which I have or may have for invasion of privacy, right of publicity, defamation or anyother cause of action arising out of production, distribution, broadcast or exhibition of the materials. Iwarrant that I am not a minor and am competent to contract in my own name.